Throughout history, culture has been defining how men and women should behave based upon their genders. Currently, our culture is fiercely trying to strip away any definition of men and women that would make us distinctively different while still being very much complementary in our roles. When we look to generations before us, men have been defined by the skills of their hands, their toughness, how much they can drink or their sexual activities. Women on the other hand, have been defined by their ability to have kids, if they worked outside the home or were a stay-at-home mom, their looks, and their cooking. Throughout history, how these constructs have played out in the culture have looked different yet still remain similar today. Here is the problem though, none of the ways that culture has tried to define or undefined manhood & womanhood are inline with what God’s Word tells us of ourselves. In our next sermon series Imago Dei, we want to explore as a church what the Bible really does say about who we are as men and women who were created in the image of God. 

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