Missional Communities are the primary way that we make disciples within Heights Church. These groups gather at least one time throughout the week to invite one another into community, share the gospel, and build relationships.  Even though we have categorized the MC’s by what day they gather and where they gather, once you are plugged into a MC you will see that these groups are much more than a gathering of people on a specific night of the week. They aim to spend time together learning how their Identity in Christ reshapes their regular rhythms everywhere they eat, work, play, and learn. You will find that these groups are made up of folks from all walks of life. Some have been Christians for years, while some would say they are not Christians at all. While they do gather as a small group they are not small groups. While they do study the bible, but they are not solely bible studies. They are communities of people learning to live out the gospel in the everyday stuff of life.

What Do Weekly Family Nights Look Like?

This will look different from MC to MC, but for the most part we EAT! We share in a meal together where we all share in serving one another by bringing something. We do not ask you to bring something if you are new or visiting a Missional Community unless you would like to. Throughout eating together we engage in conversations where we listen to the needs of the community and learn how to ask good engaging questions to one another.

What about Kids?

Bring them! Kids are a vital and important part of our community. On Sunday mornings they are invited to worship with us as a church and then are dismissed into classrooms by age. In our classrooms we teach through The Gospel Project. The Gospel Project takes our kids from Genesis to Revelation teaching them that Jesus is the ultimate hero. We spend time praying over, speaking truth and engaging our kids. Our kids are also welcome and a huge part of our Missional Communities that meet throughout the week. If you would like more information and/or would like to talk with our Director of Kids, please email Jessica Franz at jess.franz@weareheights.org

 Click on the below boxes to email MC leaders for more information on how to attend!

Tuesday Evenings / Collinsville, IL

Tuesday Evenings / Collinsville, IL

Tuesday Evenings / Collinsville, IL ***Coming Soon!!!

Tuesday Evenings / Collinsville, IL

Wednesday Evenings / Collinsville, IL

Wednesday Evenings / Troy, IL

Wednesday Evenings / Edwardsville, IL

Wednesday Evenings / Glen Carbon, IL (NEW)

Wednesday Evenings / Glen Carbon, IL

Wednesday Evenings / Collinsville, IL

Wednesday Evenings / O’fallon, IL

Wednesday Evenings / O’fallon, IL

Thursday Evenings / Collinsville, IL

Wednesday Evenings / Collinsville, IL

Wednesday Evenings / Collinsville, IL (NEW!!!)

Thursday Evenings / Collinsville, IL

Thursday Evenings / Collinsville, IL (NEW!!!)

Thursday Evenings / Collinsville, IL

Thursday Evenings / Collinsville, IL

Thursday Evenings / Pontoon Beach, IL

Sunday Evenings (Bi-Weely) / Collinsville, IL

Sunday Evenings / Collinsville, IL